Text modifiers
This line is bold
This line is italicized
Other modifiers are used by various browsers. But, those above are
very consistent. Some of the following text tags work on some browsers,
and some tags work on other browsers. As of this writin, they are not
very consistant.
Some of the other modifiers are:
Emphasis - Usually ends up as Italics
Strikethrough - This should have strike through
Strong Emphasis - Usually ends up as bold
Subscript - This should be down a little from the line of text
Superscript - This should be up a little from the line of text
Typewriter Text - Typewriter text font
Underlined - This should be underlined
Keyboard - This is keyboard text
Code - This is code example
Samp - This is samp example
Var - Used to show a variable
Dfn - Used to highlight a word
Cite - A short quote